When you look up the dictionary definition of "giving", you’ll get one example of the word as an adjective, and several pages of it as a verb. Why is that? Because true giving requires more than a single action. Or what I often refer to as the triangle of love: time, energy, & money. One of these actions on their own makes it feel transactional, not generous. 

My favorite description of the word giving is to "freely devote, set aside, or sacrifice for a purpose". When we apply the triangle of love with this description in mind to something that matters to us, it helps us achieve something we all deeply crave—the feeling that our story matters.

This is why my email signature has been "Give > Take" for quite some time. It’s my reminder of the significant role this principle has played throughout my life and the kind act that changed everything when I was 17. To many, this has come to be known as The Bus Story, and I’m often told it’s one of the best examples of Give > Take. 


It’s become a pillar for assessing if I’m living my life well and a compass for raising my kids. We recite The Prayer for Generosity by St. Ignatius daily. 

Give > Take is also the primary pillar in the Populus Group Culture Code. It's a non-negotiable behavior in our community. When I’m asked what it means in my life and at PG, I share a simple two-fold explanation; that you understand the power of compassion and generosity when helping others, and that you learn that the long way is really the shortcut when it comes to leading yourself. 

There’s a lot to unpack in that answer and it always leads to a meaningful discussion. I invite you to explore how this comes to life in your own story and encourage you to make important tweaks that will fill your heart.

Celebrating Give > Take on Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday—a simple idea created in 2012 that encourages people to do good. I encourage you to consider today as an invitation to take your first step towards making sure the greater sign ">" is turned the way you want it to be in your story. And let's not forget that we get to make this choice every day! When it is, you’ll quickly come to realize that little hinges swing big doors.

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