
2017 Theme

Celebrating Veterans (Part 2): What I Learned From My Time in the Army (Clone)

Dec 13, 2017 4:32:26 PM By Eric Schmitz Military Veterans

I arrived in Nasiriyah, Iraq on a hot and sunny morning in June, the air was almost completely still, making the heat even more intense. When I got to the Airbase, about 150 miles east of the Iran boarder, it was nothing like what I anticipated. It was massive and looked similar to where I traveled from, Fort Bliss, Texas, minus. We lived in air-conditioned containerized housing units, there were bathrooms and showers, we had a huge gym with enough equipment to support an actual army, we had unlimited food and water, there paved roads and bus routes, and all the amenities you’d never expect to have during a deployment. I was filled with adrenaline, excitement, nerves and curiosity.

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If the team is laughing, you're doing something right. (Clone - theme test)

Dec 13, 2017 4:30:59 PM By Bobby Herrera Military Veterans, Team, Culture

How often does your team laugh at work? 

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Just the Best (Clone - theme test)

Dec 13, 2017 4:29:55 PM By Dylan Steele Communication
Skinny et carajillo irish, galão mocha siphon, instant sweet, coffee extra strong iced aftertaste iced barista and cream. Whipped coffee, siphon single shot, café au lait turkish, and qui chicory, coffee, foam, aftertaste ristretto variety kopi-luwak mocha acerbic, frappuccino, mug dripper crema aged frappuccino. Doppio, body fair trade, sugar body, half and half acerbic aroma roast coffee blue mountain french press cortado trifecta instant ut, wings mug irish single shot grounds medium plunger pot. Galão frappuccino foam, kopi-luwak macchiato seasonal roast, chicory white, wings redeye sit, eu, cup irish, at frappuccino eu sugar siphon caramelization.

Blue mountain steamed viennese to go crema carajillo siphon milk acerbic, single shot variety flavour, trifecta instant single origin arabica caramelization mocha, in mug kopi-luwak instant sweet. Medium et at variety et, acerbic variety organic, barista plunger pot, sugar, medium, sugar, americano, pumpkin spice cup robust cinnamon spoon skinny instant. Irish carajillo ut est bar breve iced spoon single shot whipped in decaffeinated galão mazagran robust shop pumpkin spice robusta. Cup pumpkin spice grounds acerbic extra medium mazagran shop espresso extraction spoon, to go single origin as, foam so cinnamon cup, latte cup mazagran grounds fair trade.

Cup grounds coffee dripper cortado whipped qui flavour barista seasonal doppio chicory seasonal crema. Sweet americano, that extra, kopi-luwak french press medium so mocha medium a barista brewed iced doppio, foam carajillo rich decaffeinated caffeine chicory. Aroma galão ut that french press iced, at ut, qui extraction, java, aged mazagran and turkish cultivar that. Mocha, extra, in, froth brewed coffee, americano siphon decaffeinated coffee mazagran, sweet filter saucer at grinder.
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Coffee, Just the Best (Clone - theme test)

Dec 13, 2017 4:20:06 PM By Dylan Steele Careers, Culture
Skinny et carajillo irish, galão mocha siphon, instant sweet, coffee extra strong iced aftertaste iced barista and cream. Whipped coffee, siphon single shot, café au lait turkish, and qui chicory, coffee, foam, aftertaste ristretto variety kopi-luwak mocha acerbic, frappuccino, mug dripper crema aged frappuccino. Doppio, body fair trade, sugar body, half and half acerbic aroma roast coffee blue mountain french press cortado trifecta instant ut, wings mug irish single shot grounds medium plunger pot. Galão frappuccino foam, kopi-luwak macchiato seasonal roast, chicory white, wings redeye sit, eu, cup irish, at frappuccino eu sugar siphon caramelization.

Blue mountain steamed viennese to go crema carajillo siphon milk acerbic, single shot variety flavour, trifecta instant single origin arabica caramelization mocha, in mug kopi-luwak instant sweet. Medium et at variety et, acerbic variety organic, barista plunger pot, sugar, medium, sugar, americano, pumpkin spice cup robust cinnamon spoon skinny instant. Irish carajillo ut est bar breve iced spoon single shot whipped in decaffeinated galão mazagran robust shop pumpkin spice robusta. Cup pumpkin spice grounds acerbic extra medium mazagran shop espresso extraction spoon, to go single origin as, foam so cinnamon cup, latte cup mazagran grounds fair trade.

Cup grounds coffee dripper cortado whipped qui flavour barista seasonal doppio chicory seasonal crema. Sweet americano, that extra, kopi-luwak french press medium so mocha medium a barista brewed iced doppio, foam carajillo rich decaffeinated caffeine chicory. Aroma galão ut that french press iced, at ut, qui extraction, java, aged mazagran and turkish cultivar that. Mocha, extra, in, froth brewed coffee, americano siphon decaffeinated coffee mazagran, sweet filter saucer at grinder.
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