We are in pain. The murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor have released years and generations of pent-up pain. We say their names. We hold them, and the names of so many others, near our hearts.
We have a responsibility to our values. We have a responsibility to speak out loudly and openly against racism and discrimination.
Populus Group was founded on the belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed. It's why we exist.
To so many, and to our community at Populus Group, it has become clear that ignoring the systematic racism that plagues our American institutions is no longer an option. No one deserves to live in fear. No one deserves a lifetime of challenge and trauma because of the color of their skin. We want our black employees and community members to know we stand with you. The road to racial justice and equality will be long and it will be challenging, but you will not have to walk it alone.
To our white and non-black community, we stand with your journey to understand the deep biases we're responsible for unlearning.
We will continue to increase our investments in under-served communities, especially black communities. We will commit to proving that our organization is one of anti-racism. To our black brothers and sisters, we promise you are safe here.
We promise to face this pain with intention and purpose.
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