After finishing school I asked myself, where do I want to work? By now I had a couple years of work experience, but I felt it was time to pick where to start a new career. Here are three reasons I chose to join a smaller organization over an opportunity with a large organization.


Company Culture

Do you fit in? Can you be yourself? Being part of something is how we all want to feel. Company culture plays a huge part in keeping employees motivated and excited for their jobs.We spend a good portion of our day at work; you might as well enjoy who you are with. Feeling like you're part of a community is one of the main benefits of being part of a small organization. 

Opportunities for Achievement

Ladder.jpgAre you still waiting for the day that your manager gets promoted for your next opportunity? Employees in today's job market have changed what's important to them; they're more interested in opportunities for advancement over long term employment. I wanted to make sure that the efforts that I'm putting in everyday will result in some kind of future opportunity, sooner rather than later. Small organizaitons have a lot more room to grow and create your own opportunities. You can find out what you're passionate about and pursue it. 

Communication with Leadership

When was the last time you have had a conversation with your leaders? Are you being heard? Leadership plays a huge role for me, it can help them build me career or steer it in a different direction. For employees to function as leadership has envisioned, both must be on the same page. In big organizations, leadership may be too far removed from daily routines to understand what a good result looks like. Open and transparent communication with the leaders in your organization allows employees to succeed at their highest potential in their daily job duties.

Working for small organiaztions allows you to be closer to the product or service that you are in charge of and as a result you are able to have a sense of ownership over it. New and experienced employees from all industries are transitioning to startup or small organization for some of these reasons.