Hello Summer!  Can you believe it's already halfway through the year?!  We're continuing to see some trends in vaccine policies and sick leave legislation as well as continuing strides for paycheck fairness.

In this edition of our compliance newsletter, we're rounding up the latest industry updates to help you relax on that well-deserved summer vacation.  Anybody have some exciting summer plans?  Let us know in the comments!

US House of Representatives Passes Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA)

Now it's headed to the Senate: What this could mean for employers

washington dcThe Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA) has passed in the House, but still needs review and passing in the Senate. It aims to close some loopholes in the Equal Pay Act of 1963 to make it easier for plaintiffs to bring wage claims from alleged gender discrimination. Read on to see what impacts this could have for employers.



EEOC & OSHA Update Their COVID-19 Guidance

Stance on vaccine incentives and mandatory vaccine policies among the revisions


Here's a summary of the changes to the guidance offered by OSHA and the EEOC regarding COVID-19. Among the changes include their guidance around mandatory vaccination policies, reasonable accommodations, incentives for voluntary vaccination and more. 


You can read the entire guidance, direct from OSHA's website here: 

OSHA.gov >>


Cal/OSHA Withdraws Relaxed Rules for Fully-Vaccinated Employees

California goes back on their relaxed policies for fully vaccinated employees

ChicagoOn June 11, California rolled back the relaxed guidance they issued on June 3.  Employees and employers must continue to comply with the more restrictive November 2020 workplace guidelines. 



Mandatory PSL Coming to New Mexico

Effective July 1, 2022

PG Health and Safety

The New Mexico Healthy Workplaces Act was signed into law on April 7, 2021.  It requires employers provide eligible employees with paid sick leave and permits use of up to 64 hours of paid sick leave per year. Read on for details and eligibility.



Chicago City Council Passes Vaccination Time Off Ordinance

Passed April 21, 2021 and effective immediately


The ordinance prohibits adverse action against workers - both employees and ICs - that take time off to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and prohibits employers from requiring workers get a COVID-19 vaccine outside of work hours. Read on for total time required, paid or unpaid time allowed and more. 




Create Peace of Mind

If you manage a workforce population, there may be other new legislation that could impact your compliance. Don't try to sift through each new wave of policy changes; contact an expert who can help. If you have any questions, or want to share some of your favorite summer activities, don't hesitate to reach out!  

Your pal, 

Brandon Wischmeyer


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