Take a look at our 2023 journey through PG's first-ever impact report!

One of the biggest lessons I learned early in my professional career is the importance of assessment. Combing through data, finding patterns, and making correlations between resources and successes, assessment allows us to make better decisions, evolve what we do, and communicate effectively about our projects and programs. For the first time in PG’s history, we’re taking assessment to the next level by producing an impact report!

An office desk with a computer screen scrolling through the PG Impact Report.

This report is special—it documents our journey over the last calendar year as an organization and shares our impact, specifically in three areas—People, Partners, and Purpose. These three pillars originated from our DEI strategy and we used them as a basis for organizing the report. People: our internal community. Partners: our clients, business partners, and others we work with. Purpose: our service and community impact.

The PG Impact Report gives a 50,000-foot view of who we are as an organization and some of the stories that highlight the talent and dedication of our employees. We hope you’ll enjoy flipping through the colorful pages and getting to know PG—or if we’re already friends, you'll get a deeper look into what drives us. 

Inside, you’ll be greeted by an invitation from our president and fearless leader, Bobby Herrera. You'll also find information about our organization's demographic makeup, the programming we host internally to make PG special, and our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We're also sharing the data and big numbers around the work we do.


Here are some of the highlights:
  • Who we are: Learn about PG’s organizational structure and business offerings, as well as significant numbers around revenue, contract workers, and diverse spend.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Read through the internal engagement opportunities and external impact we have through our efforts.
  • Community Involvement: Community involvement is at the core of PG's values and shapes our culture, fosters our success, and fuels our commitment to our customers.
  • Employee Engagement: Through programming, internal surveys, and peer recognition, PG creates an inclusive environment with ample opportunity for connection.
  • Sustainability Approach: PG is committed to sustainability and has implemented a four-step approach to conserve energy, reduce paper usage, promote recycling, and reduce gas emissions.

The PG Impact Report is also an opportunity to see how far we’ve come year after year. It reflects our past and a roadmap for our future. It allows us to identify growth opportunities, set goals, and track our progress towards achieving them. We look forward to sharing more with you in the subsequent iterations, but for now, enjoy the 2023 PG Impact Report!

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