
Taylor Swift's lyrics have been a source of inspiration for all Swifties and general fans for years, but did you know they also hold valuable lessons for your career? As a Swiftie myself, I was inspired to show that there is a lyric for every situation including the PG Culture Code.

Our Culture Code consists of 3 simple phrases:

1. Go off the Beaten Path

2. Give > Take

3. Speak from the Heart

All of these can transform your professional journey through the wisdom of Taylor Swift's iconic lyrics. Let's dive into each of these principles and see how Taylor's words can guide us to be our best selves at work and beyond.

"We never painted by the numbers, baby, but we were making it count" (The 1)

*Go Off the Beaten Path*

You know that feeling when you're listening to Taylor and she says something that just hits different? That's the vibe we're going for with "Go Off the Beaten Path." Breaking free from your comfort zone is where the magic happens. Don't be afraid to take risks, try innovative approaches, and explore unconventional solutions. By going off the beaten path, you'll discover hidden strengths, develop innovative ideas, and build a unique personal & competitive brand. The beaten path may be uncomfortable, but it's the detours that make life truly unforgettable.

In our careers, it means:

  • Taking on new challenges and projects outside our comfort zones
  • Exploring unconventional solutions and approaches
  • Embracing failure and learning from our mistakes rather than letting them drag you down
  • Charting your own course rather than following the pack

By going off the beaten path, we can:

  • Discover new strengths and skills
  • Build a unique and competitive brand
  • Drive innovation and growth in our organizations
  • Develop innovative solutions and products

So, take the first step off the beaten path today and see where it leads you. ‘Take the road less traveled by’ and look at current processes through a different lens and think outside the box for creative ways to improve things.


"Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, and the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, but I'm just gonna shake it off, shake it off." (Shake It Off)

*Give > Take*

Alright, Swifties, let's talk about shaking off that give-and-take mentality. Shaking off the give-and-take mentality means changing our current mindset and focusing on what we can contribute, rather than what we can gain. Share your expertise, offer support, and prioritize collaboration. By giving more than you take, you'll build meaningful relationships, drive innovation, and create a lasting impact. In the words of Taylor Swift, 'What I was wearing, if I was rude, could all be separated from my good ideas and power moves.' We should focus on lifting each other up, rather than tearing each other down. Let's give more than we take and watch how our lives and the lives of those around us change.

By prioritizing giving, we can:

  • Build stronger, more meaningful relationships with those we work with every day
  • Create a culture of collaboration and mutual support
  • Drive innovation and growth through shared knowledge and expertise
  • Personal growth: Sharing our time, resources, and skills helps us develop new strengths
  • Joy and fulfillment: Giving back releases endorphins, creating a sense of purpose and happiness

Here are a few tips on how you can start prioritizing giving in your workplace:

  • Offer to help a fellow teammate with a project or task
  • Share your expertise and knowledge with others
  • Volunteer for a committee or taskforce

Remember, our worth and value don’t come from what we wear or how we act, but from the positive impact we make on the world. So, let's make a conscious choice to give more, take less, and empower each other to be our best selves. Focusing on giving doesn't mean sacrificing our own success or goals. In fact, it's often the key to achieving them.


"Speak now or forever hold your peace.” (Speak Now)

*Speak from the Heart*

In true Swiftie fashion, let's dive into the power of authenticity. In the workplace, speaking from the heart means sharing our thoughts, ideas, and concerns with authenticity and vulnerability. It's about embracing our unique voices and perspectives and using them to build stronger relationships and drive results. Authenticity is key to success. Share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns with vulnerability and honesty. By speaking from the heart, you'll build trust, encourage open communication, and drive meaningful change. Remember, speaking from the heart is a powerful tool for transformation in the workplace.

By speaking from the heart, we can:

  • Build trust across teams and with our clients
  • Foster a culture of open and honest feedback
  • Drive innovation and creativity through diverse perspectives
  • Enhance our leadership and influence through authentic communication

Here are a few tips on how you can start speaking from the heart in your workplace:

  • Share your ideas and opinions clearly and confidently
  • Use storytelling to bring your message to life (Just like Taylor but not necessarily in such a poetic way)
  • Be vulnerable and open about your challenges and successes
  • Listen actively and empathetically to others

Speaking from the heart is a superpower, and it's within you, waiting to be unleashed, so be fearless. As Taylor Swift says, "I'm a blank space, baby, and I'll write your name." Fill the blank spaces in both your work life and home life with honesty, vulnerability, and heartfelt communication.

The wisdom in our Culture Code isn’t just for work—it’s a philosophy for life. We hope you take Taylor’s lessons to heart and strive to make a meaningful impact, both personally and professionally. So, be fearless, take risks, and let your authenticity shine. And remember: “Life is just a classroom” – so “don’t be afraid to be brand new”, because “life is a tough crowd” – so just “shake if off” and remember our Culture Code phrases “all too well” to work on bettering yourself, your job and those around you to become “bejeweled”.


All photos taken by Izabela Miklas :)