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The challenge about managing a non-permanent workforce is it’s a highly complex landscape, and the rules of engagement are always changing. If you work in Human Resources or Procurement, you know there’s no shortage of new workforce regulations, and an ever increasing demand to drive more efficiencies. It’s demanding but it’s also rewarding. If you manage multiple staffing suppliers, leveraging an MSP partner can help you find the right balance of getting access to quality candidates with valuable reporting, while also finding cost savings and improving processes.

Working with Multiple Staffing Suppliers?

When we talk to our new MSP customers, or our MSP-curious customers, we hear about a lot of the same challenges. They’ve gotten to the point where they know the current state isn’t great (sometimes it even kind of sucks) but they just don’t know where to start. They need to find savings, but they can’t reign in spending without clear visibility into exactly where the money is going. There can be rogue dollars spent under a number of difference codes or buried in a number of different line items. That’s frustrating. And it’s impossible to save time when there isn’t a clear, consistent framework in place to manage suppliers, processes and reporting. So often, they rely on manual work and reporting, and it ends up absorbing way more time than it should. Time that could be better spent on developing higher level business strategies; and time that can afford the freedom to go home at a reasonable hour to do what you love. That’s what makes implementing a new MSP program so rewarding for us. We hear from our customers about what a game-changer—even life-changer— their new custom MSP solution is for them.

Here are the top signs that you can to streamline your program:

If any of the following issues apply to you, we highly recommend considering a better option:

  1. You rely on manual reporting
  2. You can’t track temporary labor spend by candidate or supplier
  3.  You’re not sure you can hire the best talent
  4. You don’t have a clearly defined system in place to manage suppliers.
  5. You can’t quickly find basic information like candidates’ and their managers’ contact information

Why would an MSP help?

Well, in the simplest terms, you can only grow and create advantages if you have visibility into what and where your problems are. We find that most often when teams work inefficiently, it’s really because there aren’t clear, simple systems in place. When people run reports manually, and are constantly searching for the information they need, time gets wasted. Chances are some people are doing double-work, others are working unproductively and insights and opportunities are lost as a result. It’s really hard to make the best choices and hire the best talent when you’re stuck in a spiral with too much manual work, too many suppliers and not enough structure.
When we work with a new customer, we have an intensive discovery process. We get to the heart of your challenges because we’ve gotten really good at asking the right questions. This enables us to create a really customized, tailored MSP solution that addresses your unique situation and challenges. We do not provide an out-of-the-box solution, we take the time to understand you.

Here are the top benefits of working with our MSP solution team

  • Deep research: the most important thing is working with a partner that gets you. So we spend the time to understand you, your needs, goals and processes. Our discovery process really sets our solution apart.
  • Technology: there are so many options out there. So it’s important that your MSP partner understands the pros and cons of each, so you get the solution that’s right for your unique circumstances.
  • Leveraging suppliers: every business has a unique community of suppliers. This means it’s really crucial to find ways to develop more successful partnerships with them. There’s no replacement for experience, we’ve worked with nearly every supplier in the business, literally hundreds. This makes it so much easier to step in, align processes and make progress.
  • Cost control: working with a great MSP solution means you don’t have to wonder if you’re over-paying for labor. We investigate what you’re paying and while conducting regular audits to ensure every dollar spent is justified and legitimate.
  • Weekly touch points: we make sure the lines of communication are consistent and open. It’s amazing how many problems strong communication can solve (and avoid).
  • Innovation for the future: we won’t give you the keys and walk away. We will continue to do the research for continuous process improvement so you can evolve and grow.

    We find that when teams have the right systems in place, they solve problems faster, and they have more time to slow down and get strategic. They’re able to achieve more growth because an efficient, transparent program means more time to step back, and see a new future.

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